IVS provides the necessary training, or refresher training, for your staff to gain or maintain their accreditation. Online Training is only available if you hold a current MPI certificate or for those whose certificates are less than 30 days expired. New trainee's must train via traditional classroom.
New Zealand importers must operate an Approved Transitional Facility to receive, inspect and unpack imported sea containers.
MPI requires all facilities importing sea containers to have one or more Accredited Persons available who manage or undertake the different aspects of biosecurity: inspecting containers, supervising their unpacking, containing any biosecurity threats found and reporting to MPI.
This full-day operators training (MPI required) focuses on the responsibilities of the Operator and the importance of their role in biosecurity, relevant legislation requirements and overview of the standards, and practical assistance in completing biosecurity operating procedures.
* An online refresher course is available for those whose certificates are less than 30 days expired or who are refreshing their certification.
Online Biosecurity Awareness Training
This online course is designed for all other staff who assist the Accredited Person to unpack imported containers that have come into New Zealand by sea or air, providing a fast, easy, and convenient learning experience. Upon course completion, participants will gain an understanding of biosecurity and the role of an Accredited Person, become aware of the risks associated with unwanted pests and diseases, and ultimately feel more confident in supporting the Accredited Person in their duties.
PLEASE NOTE: Do you import 10 containers or less? There is another option for you with our MTF service, call us on 0800 021 169.